Delegates Training

November 30, 2012

Core Training

All delegates undertake core training.
Core Training aims to develop a basic understanding of the role of a delegate in the workplace, including how to recruit new members, conducting yard meetings, industrial relations processes, enterprise bargaining, OHS and EEO, superannuation and WorkCover.

Advanced Training

Delegates also have the opportunity to undertake Advanced Training. Advanced training continues to be extremely popular.
The Advanced course builds on the knowledge and skills attained in the Core training, and exposes delegates to the practical aspects of their role. The Advanced training includes exercises in negotiation and dispute resolution, recruitment, public speaking and team building. An interesting aspect of the Advanced course is a visit to the Fair Work Commission. Course participants are given an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the Commission and its legal processes. The visit includes a presentation from a Commissioner on the application of unfair dismissal laws and the process involved.

Click here to download a TWU Delegates Training Enrolment Form

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