A Super 30 Years

September 6, 2016

TWUSUPER this week celebrates 30 years since becoming the first ever Australian super fund to be named in an industrial award.

Many TWU members fought for many years to have employers contribute to employee superannuation accounts. And many thousands of TWU members are currently enjoying much happier retirements than they would have had TWUSUPER not become a reality.

In 1984, the TWU undertook to create a national super fund for the transport sector and, with the support of Brambles, Mayne Nickless, TNT and Linfox, TWUSUPER commenced.

In June 1986 the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission handed down its decision that super could be considered under industrial awards and the Transport Workers (Superannuation) Award was endorsed by the Commission on 2 September 1986.

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