The TWU and Delegates met with Dysons Management today in our first meeting to discuss the 2018 EA.
The Log of Claims presented to Dysons included:
Wage claim of 4% increase per year plus 1% to your super each year
Rosters Consultation Clauses
Double time for overtime on rail replacement
Double time on the 6th day
Meal allowance for 2hr overtime before shift
Service Grants for Mon-Fri casuals
Single Day Shift Swaps
Limiting the use of casuals on track work
Five Days Sick Leave Without Certificate
Public Holiday Work to be on Voluntary Basis
Include local Depot issues.
Encourage non-Union work colleagues to join the TWU to Support your fight for a fair and reasonable outcome.
Speak with your depot delegate for information.
The TWU will keep you up-dated via text and notices.