Our fight for a fair agreement at Linfox is underway. Our member-led negotiation team has just finished their first face-to-face meeting with management. We took to Linfox a plan for our company and our industry. This plan is the result of member messages from yard meetings and surveys across the country. We spoke up about what is important to us in our new agreement and told Linfox we need:
- Job security including site rates
- No cuts to current conditions
- Safe and fair rates for the work we do
- Increased superannuation
- Paid crib and fatigue breaks
- Training and clear career paths
Winning an agreement that locks-in good jobs won’t be easy but this is a fight to secure a fairer, safer future for Linfox workers and families. The stronger we are in our yards, the stronger our team is in negotiations with management. Speak to your delegate for more information on what happening in negotiations.
Follow the campaign on our national campaigns page.