Helicopter paths around hospitals locked-in

February 29, 2016

Planning controls to protect helicopter flight paths have been locked in around six Victorian hospitals.

The controls will allow for development near hospitals while maintaining a clear path for helicopters coming to and from helipads.

The paths have been secured to and from the Warragul, Frankston, Alfred, Royal Children’s and Royal Melbourne hospitals and the Monash Medical Centre in Clayton.

Strong investor demand is encouraging more property development around Melbourne, and with more development came the need to make sure planning was keeping pace with the rate of growth.

The controls differ around each hospital helipad and ensure any future development is referred to the Department of Health and Human Services for their input as part of assessment.

The changes are not designed to restrict development, rather, to maintain access for the emergency medical services helping critically ill patients.

In the past, a lack of controls has forced helicopters to be diverted away from the Royal Melbourne Hospital because of cranes protruding into surrounding airspace.

The controls will allow the emergency helicopters to maintain a straight flightpath, avoiding curved flightpaths which can disrupt patients and the staff caring for them.

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