June 20, 2018

Australian workers – including across the transport sector – are getting smashed by a poor government with an unfair agenda.

Workers in the aviation industry navigate increasingly unsafe working conditions and poverty wages and truck drivers are under increasing pressure from wealthy retailers to cut corners.

Meanwhile the number of full-time jobs are decreasing and being replaced by casual and insecure forms of work. Pay packets are dwindling when company profits are at an all-time high.

Wage theft is so rampant it has become a business model for dodgy bosses. Check out this ACTU video if you need more convincing that the rules are broken.

We need better and stronger rights at work. It is time to Change the Rules and there are many ways grassroots members can participate.

TWU (VIC/TAS Branch) Secretary John Berger said a simple yet extremely effective and visible way to help Change the Rules is to become a social media warrior by visiting the Branch at and facebook and twitter pages @TWUVicTas and @TwuJohn – and share, like or comment on our content.

“We need to stop Australian full-time workers becoming working poor – they deserve free and fair bargaining and a living wage,” John said.

“That is why the TWU is pushing to change Australia’s broken industrial rules. Fight for your rights and get on board.”

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