Works on the Monash Freeway Upgrade begin this week and the Victorian Labor Government have announced plans to mitigate congestion for the 200,000 motorists that use the freeway daily.
This week, motorists will see preliminary works on the Freeway’s shoulders to make the road smoother and allow extra space to reduce the number of traffic disruptions during construction.
Motorists will initially see some lane closures at night so workers can safely conduct works and not interrupt the peak periods.
Providing the extra space will allow the current number of lanes to remain open during peak times when more disruptive work begins. Construction times will be staged to avoid major disruption to motorists.
In mid-late October concrete barriers will be installed down the centre median on both sides of the Freeway to ensure motorists and worker safety.
The majority of works to strengthen and widen bridges, build the extra lanes and install the final safety barriers will be done behind these concrete barriers.
The upgrade will see more than 30 kilometres of extra lanes while minimising the impact of construction on motorists.
The works will add a lane in each direction between EastLink and Clyde Road in Berwick, along with smart technology and ramp upgrades, improve traffic flow and increase safety for motorists.