The Murray Goulburn Enterprise Agreement has been finalised. The bargaining process with Murray Goulburn was made difficult by the company’s reluctance to agree to basic wage increases and better conditions for our members. The Union applied to Fair Work Australia (FWA) for a protected action ballot order. The order was issued by FWA and a ballot was conducted. The results sent a clear message to Murray Goulburn with 82% of members returning their ballot papers, and a massive 95 % of members supporting the industrial action.
The Union notified the Company of a 2 day strike. An urgent conciliation was called by FWA and the Company slightly improved its offer. The members rejected this offer.
The Union made an application to FWA to extend the 30 day period in which industrial action is authorised by a protected action ballot, and the application was successful.
The Company engaged in further negotiations with the Delegates and Union Officials and a settlement was reached and endorsed by the members. This is a great result for Murray Goulburn workers. Delegates and members involved in the negotiation process should be proud of their hard work and solidarity.