Safe rates order for contract drivers

December 21, 2015

The Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal (RSRT) has set national minimum payments for certain contract drivers.

The Contractor Driver Minimum Payments Road Safety Remuneration Order 2016 (2016 RSRO), for the first time, specifically covers drivers involved in the distribution of goods by supermarket chains and drivers involved in long-distance operations in the private road transport industry.

It also imposes requirements on the hirers of contract drivers and other participants in the supply chain.

The RSRO decision means drivers will be paid for time queuing at depots and distribution centres, loading and unloading and time spent cleaning, inspecting and repairing trucks and trailers.

The RSRO, which takes effect on 4 April next year, also includes clauses regarding unpaid leave, supply chain contracts, facilitative provisions, promotion of orders, and dispute resolution.

Rates per hour and per kilometre would be calculated after considering several variables, including class of vehicle, type of trailer or no trailer and description of the work. A rate guide has been published on the RSRT website 

To assist parties to calculate the correct minimum payments under the 2016 RSRO, the Tribunal will publish an online payments calculator on its website early next year.

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