TWU assists worker in court win

November 10, 2015


Hard-fought win for worker

Geoff Heaney recently left the Tasmanian Industrial Commission declaring that all “dubious and greedy” contractors were on notice.

The TWU had earlier successfully assisted the Hobart-based member secure disputed pro-rata long service leave (LSL) from former employer Australian Ground Services (AGS) Logistics Pty Ltd.

The TWU and Mr Heaney took the matter to arbitration to chase 8.68 weeks entitlements owed by the aircraft and passenger handling service contractors. 

The commission ordered in November 2014 that the amount be paid in full, however, the company lodged an appeal to avoid paying the hard-earned entitlement.

On 5 September this year AGS lost that appeal and finally agreed to pay Mr Heaney his right whack. 

The issue arose after AGS successfully tendered to service Jetstar Airlines at the Hobart International

Airport over former contractor Blue Collar Australia.

Mr Heaney was employed by both contractors between April 2004 and April 2014 but AGS refused to pay long service leave accrued while he was with Blue Collar Australia.

Mr Heaney said the commission victory was not just a win for himself, “but for all members who have been unduly wronged by dubious and greedy contractors”.

“In my 10 years under contract I have witnessed workers’ rights, conditions and pay reduce dramatically,” he said.

“If you have a dispute or are unfairly treated call on your TWU representative because, as in my case, they will never give up. After 16 months of hearings I consider this is a win for the workers.

“(And) for those contractors who read this, consider yourself on notice.” 

Mr Heaney expressed his “deepest gratitude” to TWU organisers Leroy Doble and Steve Moszko.

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