The TWU member-led Qantas Ground Services EBA committee has put its log of claims to management.
During a meeting with management the EBA representatives strongly pressed why they were the things that mattered to employees and reinforced the uniqueness of the occupation.
The demands put forward by the committee included a plan for a minimum of 30hrs per week for all part-timers, however QGS has rejected any increase to the minimum number of hours currently being offered by the company.
Information provided by QGS shows that our plan for 30hrs per week will amount to only 25 mins per employee of downtime per weekly roster.
When our team requested the Company’s log of claims, we were denied. Instead management provided us with some principles the Company has for our new Agreement:
Now is the time to show QGS management we are united in our demands. QGS can guarantee more hours for workers – they just do not want to.
Members will be advised in regards to any developments.
The TWU would like to thank all members for supporting their delegates and the Union in remaining strong and united.
Pass on the message to non-Union members that now is the time to join the TWU to present a united force in negotiations.
For further information, please contact TWU delegates and TWU aviation organiser Dissio Markos.