June 30, 2018

The TWU (VIC/TAS Branch) holds 11 ever-popular regional member dinners this year through Victoria and Tasmania.

And it was great to see so many members brave the cold and join us last night in Wodonga for what turned out to be a fun and informative evening.

We were also honored that Honorary Member Joe Griffiths – our second longest-serving member and one of the staunchest – attended.

Joe knows all about the power of unity, having started the TWU off at the Kiewa butter factory, which became North Eastern Dairies, which was then bought out by Murray Goulburn. Joe is pictured below (centre) with TWU (VIC/TAS Branch) Secretary John Berger to his left and his beautiful wife on his right.

No doubt Joe agreed with John who told dinner guests that our broken industrial rules must change.

These evenings provide Branch officials an invaluable opportunity to present information directly to grassroots members.

Importantly, attendees last night were provided information on recent Branch wins and activities, including TWU-BUS EA developments and a big win for owner drivers.

It was also great to get some member feedback about the unique challenges in the region where they live. This information helps inform our campaigns, priorities, communications and focus for the various regions and yards that we organise in these regions in our constant efforts to leave no member behind.




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