Vale Paul Gage – Toll Forklift driver and all round wonderful bloke.
Paul holds an upsetting title as the first recorded – and hopefully only – TWU member who has become a victim of COVID-19.
Paul past on Thursday 20 August after contracting the virus outside his workplace. Paul passed two days short of his 57th birthday.
Paul was a much-loved member of the Toll Tasmania team and family, he was a long time active member of the TWU. Around his workplace, Paul will always be remembered for his smile, some of his workmates described him as not only an “absolute gentlemen” but also highlighted his ability to find a way to make everyone smile.
Paul’s story begun well before he joined the Toll Tasmania family and holds the same tenacity as he embodied. Paul proudly served the New Zealand armed forces. He was a caring and loving father and more than proud Grandparent.
At work, he was a highly trained and skilled forklift driver down at the port.
Social distancing and stay-at-home orders have changed the way we gather and reflect on lives lost – however, it should not change how we honour the dead.
Paul’s close family, friends and his TWU Organiser Mem Suleyman came together to reminisce about the life Paul lived. John Berger was honoured to donate $1500 towards the cost of the ceremony.
The tragic loss of Paul’s life is yet another reminder that this pandemic is far from over. We must continue to do all we can to ensure that no more lives are lost – no more families are left devastated.