WorkSafe Familiarisation Day

November 28, 2011

On Monday 28th November TWU arranged a familiarization to WorkSafe Head Office located at 222 Exhibition Street, Melbourne.

HSR’s in attendance were Lawrie Thomas and Michael Walker (Woolworths), Andrew Bishop and Ash Mappin (Toll Liquids) and John Rowe (Toll IPEC).
They day began with a meet and greet with Clayton Larkin who explained his role dealing with HSRSO’s and Arreo issues. Jennifer Chellew (Transport Strategy Planner) then discussed some programs WorkSafe is currently rolling out.
Alex Buckle (Dangerous Goods) attended teh afmiliarisation (Andrew and Ash were involved with petroleum tankers).  Anthea Andrews (from the self insurers to which Toll and Woolworths are both) and Caroline Kennedy also made appearances.  
The HSR’s were asked to name  “what their most important and outstanding issue was with OHS and how WorkSafe can assist?”
The TWU HSR were then introduced to Bernard Wilkinson (WorkSafe Advisory Manager). Bernard explained what the call centre was all about, how many calls they received daily and types of calls recieved by operators. He then took them through to advisory to meet some of the operators and listen in on a few calls.
Ross Pilkington (Director WorkSafe MLA Division), Trevor Butler (FRG Leader of Inspectorate), Bernie Dean (Marketing Manager) all made themselves available to the HSR’s to answer any questions and discuss issues.
“I got lot out of our visit to Worksafe, believe consultation with Rep’s and HSR’from the floor is major 
stepforward for any industry. It shows ongoing commitment from Worksafe 

to reduce workplace incidents….”  
Ashley Mappin, HSR Toll Liquids 

“We had the chance to meet with several managers from the different areas within Worksafe. This allowed us as HSR’s to voice issues and concerns in relation to our areas of employment. The managers were showing a lot of interest in what we perceived to be critical issues at the moment.   The HSR’s were then taken to the Worksafe call centre which is the initial point of contact, when the advisory line is called. We listened into incoming calls, witnessed how the operators managed the calls and how they referred them onto the inspectors. 
I’d like to thank Eugene Richards for organising the visit, and would strongly encourage all HSR’s to attend one of these meetings if they are given the opportunity. ”   Andrew Bishop, HSR – Toll Liquids

“The WorkSafe visit was a great success, I got so much out of the depth that WorkSafe, this more so why HSR’s are needed in the work place, Clayton  thanks for your hospitality throughout the day , made the HSR’s feel quite welcome.”   Lawrie Thomas, HSR – Woolworths Logistics


WorkSafe Team
Jennifer Chellew, Project Officer, Industry Programs

Caroline Kennedy,Manager, Mandated Programs 

Anthea Andrews, Acting Manager, Industry Programs

Bernie Dean,Executive Director, Marketting and Communications

Ross Pilkington, Director MLA WorkSafe
Alex Buckle, Senior Project Manager Prevention Strategy Division
Trevor Butler, Group Leader MLA Inspector
Clayton Larkin, Project Officer Strategic Programs Division
Bernard Wilkinson, Team Leader WorkCover Advisory & Communications Division


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