August 9, 2016

MSS Security have jeopardised better rates and conditions for TWU (Vic/Tas Branch) members by walking away from an in-principle agreement.

The ongoing delay to your vote on the proposed EA is unacceptable and against the good faith that the parties have shown in the bargaining process. Pass on the message to non-Union members that now is the time to join the TWU to present a united force in negotiations.

In an August 2 letter to the TWU, MSS Security HR manager Rebecca Jansen, said MSS pulled the in-principle agreement after it heard Melbourne airport competitors ISS was pressing United Voice for 0% pay increases in the first two years of its EA.

“A fundamental issue during the negotiations of this EA for the employees has been the security of their jobs. Similarly, a fundamental issue for MSS as the employer, is the security of continuing to be able to retain the contract with Qantas (or APAM if it is handed back),” she wrote.

The aforementioned contract is only due to expire in 2018.

Ms Jansen claims “this is (now) in the hands of (United Voice)” and that MSS would only proceed with the previously agreed-upon pay increases over four years of 2.75%, 3%, 2.75% and 3% and a sign-on bonus if United Voice were able to fight for ISS to establish a four-year agreement with at least 2.5% increase per annum.

“We hope they will be able to get a reasonable increase for ISS workers,” she wrote.

The TWU would like to thank all members for supporting their delegates and the Union in remaining strong and united.

For further information, please contact your MSS delegates or TWU aviation organiser Dissio Markos.

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