Toll – last chance to vote!

August 13, 2013

The Toll protected action ballot closes soon, so it’s important to get your votiong papers in as soon as possible and have your say.

We need to make sure Toll can’t undermine your job security by opening new yards with workers on lower rates and substandard conditions.

Your member led negotiating team is fighting for;

  • Fair super increases to ensure dignity in retirement and a better future for Toll workers and families
  • Site rates that ensure everyone is paid safe and fair rates and recognised for the work they do at Toll
  • Job security but ensuring Toll can’t outsource jobs or create new business units with lower rates that will undercut exisiting workers jobs

Join with thousands of fellow TWU members in Toll yards across the country and VOTE YES to every question.

Download this PDF to hear why John, from Toll IPEC in Victoria, vted YES.

For more information visit

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