VOTE NO to MSS Security EBA

February 24, 2016

MSS Security have unilaterally ceased bargaining in good faith and have put out a proposed EBA for employees to vote on. The TWU is making an Application to the Fair Work Commission for an urgent hearing seeking Orders that MSS be prevented from taking steps to conduct an employee ballot and to have MSS return to the bargaining table.

The TWU was not informed of the company’s decision to stop bargaining, despite the company scheduling further meetings, and we did not see the company’s offer in the proposed EBA until after members were provided access to it.


We met with company representatives on Wednesday (24 February) to convey our concerns about the company’s failure to meet the good faith bargaining requirements. We have also expressed these concerns in writing to which the company has failed to adequately respond.

MSS Security intend to proceed with a ballot on 2 March. If this ballot takes place, VOTE ‘NO’ to the company’s proposed offer. The company offer REJECTS YOUR CLAIM for, among other things:

–          A 4% increase for wages and allowances,

–          Fixed AM and PM shifts,

–          An Avalon Airport allowance,

–          Proper job security clause, and

–          Casual and part-time conversion rights.

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