TNT members and the Union won a significant victory and secured a ground-breaking settlement after long and difficult negotiations. A number of lawful strikes were taken during the negotiations. Three 24 hour protected action strikes saw TNT to substantially improve their proposal.
The agreement between TNT and the Union, which union members recently voted on, provides for Delegated rights & leave, workplace dispute arbitration, outside hire reduction, job security and safe rates committees.
Importantly, the company can no longer use contract or casual workers to undermine the working conditions of its directly employed workers. Casual workers will also have the right to become permanent workers after nine months and the company has committed to use permanent full-time workers before hiring casual workers.
The three-year agreement will cover around 3,000 TNT employees and 800 owner-drivers, who will receive an annual pay increase of 4 per cent. The settlement also provides for an increase of between 1 and 1.5 per cent rise in annual superannuation rates, subject to the company meeting its profit targets.
This is a tremendous victory for workers at TNT, and was only made possible by the hard work and dedication of Delegates and members. A committee of senior delegates met regularly throughout the campaign to discuss site issues and the progress of negotiations.>
Ged Kearney from the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) applauded the Union, stating that the deal was a “great win” for the labour movement’s campaign to end the lack of job security.