Transport company sued by whistleblower driver

August 24, 2016
A former employee whistleblower against a trucking company that faced dozens of fatigue management charges is suing the company for almost $690,000 in damages. Stephen James Gleeson, 43, previously worked as operations manager for Tully-based Blenner’s Transport – in Far North Queensland – and spoke out on ABC program Four...

Qantas Profits Hide Increased Security Risks

August 24, 2016
Qantas’ full year results are masking the dangerous truth of increased security risks throughout the company’s aviation operations, according to the Transport Workers’ Union (TWU). TWU National Secretary Tony Sheldon today said staff turnover was already 15% within Qantas Group itself, while it was estimated that turnover was as high...

Stronger-together as economy and job security falters

August 19, 2016
New Australian Bureau of Statistics labour force data figures showing unemployment fell 0.1-per-cent to 5.7-per-cent in July only mask a continuing and disturbing slide in full-time employment, according to ACTU Secretary Dave Oliver. Since January 2016, part time employment has increased by 101,200, while full time employment decreased 19,900. Underemployment also continues to be...

Delegates are the lifeblood of the TWU

August 17, 2016
Branch secretary John Berger last week addressed the latest group of delegates to undertake the two-day core training at TWU HQ. In kicking-off a lively and informative session, John thanked the delegates and told them that the Union is only the stronger because of active members in yards willing to step up and demand safer...

New work rules set by workplace umpire

August 17, 2016
The TWU wishes to inform members of an important Fair Work Commission ruling this week. A full bench decision of the Commission found that periods of regular casual employment will now be counted towards redundancy entitlements. It means that workers who are employed as casuals prior to their positions becoming...

TWU Fighting For Members at Workplace Tribunal

August 15, 2016
The Transport Workers’ Union is opposing attempts by industry lobby groups to reduce wages for long distance truck drivers and bus drivers at the Fair Work Commission today. Australian Industry Group and the National Road Transport Association are pushing for the introduction of part-time work for long-distance truck drivers, aimed...

Martin Brower EBA finalised

August 10, 2016
TWU members nationally voted to accept the new Martin Brower EA on August 4. Negotiations for the hard-fought agreement began with the company in April. The document had been voted down by members on June 27 because of the company’s attack on classifications. The company had wanted to place new...

Downer EA progress report

August 9, 2016
The TWU member-led Downer Infrastructure Services EA committee has put its log of claims 2016-2019 to management. The committee is due to meet with Downer management next week to press the claims. The demands put forward by the committee included a 4-per-cent wage increase to apply from July 1, 2016,...


August 9, 2016
MSS Security have jeopardised better rates and conditions for TWU (Vic/Tas Branch) members by walking away from an in-principle agreement. The ongoing delay to your vote on the proposed EA is unacceptable and against the good faith that the parties have shown in the bargaining process. Pass on the message...